Chewigem - Chewable Toggle Board
The toggle board was designed with finger chewers and thumb suckers in mind!
A common stim and habit people wish to redirect is sucking and chewing fingers. And this is how this product came about. We wanted to replicate the length and feel of a finger, but without it looking like a finger and I think we nailed it! Inspiration was combined with a mix of surf and skateboards. Another need we had fed back was for chewers who like to chew with their molars, some product shapes make reaching the molars a challenge, and this product works for that style of chewing too. However, not everyone wanted this on a pendant cord so we include a toggle strap which is a simple multifunctional strap that can work on zippers, school bags, keys and buttonholes.
90% of people say Chewigem reduces their anxiety
Whether at school or work, you can adjust this cord to a shorter length, and when the urge comes to suck or nibble a finger, redirect yourself to the board pendant and break that habit. With perseverance join the thousands who have successfully managed this.
Durability Flexibility Firmness Wearable Yes Fidget no Chewable Yes Cord Type Corded