Chewigem - Chewable Hexichew Hand Fidget
A firm favorite with a range of chewers and stimmers, it’s chunky, funky and gives smooth and soothing feedback thanks to its shiny glossy finish.
This one was named after our founders son and originally designed for the teething market as its open nature made it easy for little ones to grab and hold. Chewers and stimmers became attracted to it too and the pendant went under a redesign and make over to make it more durable for the adult chewing market.
90% of people say Chewigem reduces their anxiety
Whether you want to slip it off the cord and have it to hand in your pocket, use it on your desk as a stress ball alternative you can squeeze and fidget with or wear it as a pendant to create a funky look, this versatile Chew and fidget aid remains a top seller for all those reasons.
Durability Flexibility Firmness Wearable Yes Fidget Yes Chewable Yes Cord Type Silk Cord