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Rebecca's Blogs

  • Autsim_Routine_Structure_Familiarity_anxiety_stress
    April 30, 2018 Rebecca Sharrock

    The Benefits of Change

    Due to my autism I naturally find change very difficult. Unexpected changes can leave me anxious so routine has always been a comfort to me, however despite feeling content with repetition, I do still become bored with it.


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  • Autism_Routine_Sensory_Processing_Meltdowns
    January 27, 2018 Rebecca Sharrock

    Routine and Slower Processing

    Whenever something unexpected occurs which leaves me with no other choice than to change my timetable, I experience extreme anxiety and often have a meltdown as a result. In addition to having autism I also have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which multiplies those challenges by two.
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