Knowing your rights and your child’s rights, particularly when they have special educational support needs (SEND), is important to ensure that they have all the necessary support to help them at school. Reasonable adjustments are changes that are made for children with SEND to ensure that they are supported and not disadvantaged at all compared to other children. The Equality Act (2010) supports this.
If a person with autism becomes so overwhelmed that they cannot control their behaviour, this response is known as a meltdown. A meltdown can be presented in different ways – verbally or physically. For example, a person might shout and cry or they might lash out, kicking or biting. It’s important to recognise that an autism meltdown is not intentional bad behaviour.
Children with autism often have sensory needs that can have a huge impact on their day-to-day life. Certain smells, sights, textures and sounds can be overwhelming and cause stress, worry and anxiety. When this happens, a child can experience sensory overload and be overstimulated. In this blog, SpecialKids Company will list suggestions for you to help you to avoid this for your child.
SpecialKids.Company have put together 8 helpful ideas on how you can adapt an Easter egg hunt for your child's special needs. After all, it is a celebration and it should be enjoyed by everyone! Happy Easter!
In 2022, mobile and tablet applications can change the world for a child with special needs. From helping them to speak, learn and play, in this blog SpecialKids Company will let you know some of the best special needs apps for kids.