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  • Tips on Getting Kids with Autism to Try Colourful Foods
    August 10, 2023 SpecialKids .Company

    Tips on Getting Kids with Autism to Try Colourful Foods

    Sensory processing issues have a lot to do with this because colours, textures, smells and tastes can be extremely overwhelming for autistic children and can have a huge impact on how they feel. A lot of colourful foods, such as fruit and vegetables, can change in taste depending on the season and this can be problematic for children who like routine and predictability. In this blog, we will provide you with some suggestions of things that you can try to encourage your child to try colourful foods.
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  • Young girl holding two eggs up in front of her face in a playful gesture
    July 17, 2023 SpecialKids .Company

    The importance of diet and nutrition in autistic children

    The Association of UK Dieticians states that ‘there are no differences in nutritional requirements for autistic people and a balanced diet is important for good health and development’. Whilst this is true, many autistic children have food hypersensitivity due to sensory processing issues. This means that certain textures, smells or tastes can be extremely overwhelming and upsetting for them. It is important to remember this whilst offering your child food. Although you may feel frustrated and worried if your child’s diet is limited, you should be mindful that this is not something that your child is doing deliberately, and it can be extremely difficult for them.
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