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  • Things to consider when buying clothing for children with autism
    June 15, 2024 SpecialKids .Company

    Things to consider when buying clothing for children with autism

    If you are the parent to a child with autism, you might find it challenging to buy clothing for them that they are able to wear. Children with autism and sensory issues can find certain items and textures of clothing irritating and as such, it can be difficult purchasing clothes that are suitable for them. In this blog, SpecialKids Company will provide a list of things that you should consider when buying clothes for children with autism or sensory needs.
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  • Autism Bibs Special Kids Children Dribbling
    November 9, 2018 SpecialKids .Company

    Dribbling is more common than you think

    Dealing with your child’s drooling habits can be difficult especially if you start to notice they haven’t grown out of it. This is a common behavior in children with special needs, and you shouldn’t feel alone when dealing with it. There are several tips and tricks you can try to make cleaning up dribble easier, as well as fashion garments that make staying dribble-free easy and stylish.

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  • Bibs__Aprons_Autism_SpecialKids.Company
    September 7, 2018 SpecialKids .Company

    All you need to know about bibs & aprons for children with special needs

    When it comes to special needs, both children and adults alike face challenges with everyday tasks. Drooling difficulties and food spillages are just some of the problems they can face. It can be uncomfortable for your child, and that shouldn’t have to be the case. Whether your child is at home, going to school or having a day out, bibs and aprons can be part of any outfit no matter the occasion.

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