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Storms and other unpredictable weather events definitely have a strong effect on my mental health. These can be thunderstorms, heatwaves, cold-snaps, or cyclones (as was the case for me last week).

Brisbane sits in a subtropical region, and cyclones are very rare here, even though they can still occasionally hit us. Australian cyclones are also infamous for their unpredictable actions and movements. For instance, cyclone Alfred initially developed in the Coral Sea in February (a few weeks ago), and this happened at a latitude much closer to the equator. So at first, it was expected to make landfall in a tropical region of Queensland. However Alfred had different plans, and decided to wander further and further southwards (outside of the tropics in the Southern Hemisphere). Eventually it became somewhat clear that Alfred was going to strike Southeast Queensland and Northeast New South Wales. This included the city of Brisbane.

 Prior to Cyclone Alfred it had been fifty years since Brisbane had been hit by a tropical cyclone. On that occasion our city was severely flooded by the storm. So as soon as it was noticed that Alfred had decided to turn towards us, everyone was in a panic. Even though it was only a Category 2 cyclone, our region is susceptible to severe flooding, due to all of the rivers and low lying areas that it contains.

From Wednesday to Friday last week, we were all told to charge up our devices, make sure that we had generators, and to pick up as many sandbags as we needed. The region that was expected to be hit the strongest by Alfred was the place where we ourselves live, which is to the south of Brisbane.

Though Cyclone Alfred wasn’t the most predictable kind of storm for weather forecasters. It decided to sit out at sea (intensifying) for a couple of days longer than expected. But we all knew that it was there, because we were experiencing strong winds. As the cyclone was moving around us we’d also experience thick cloud and rain for ten minutes, which was immediately followed by clear blue sky a mere thirty seconds later. That was the most confusing type of weather I had ever experienced, and it messed with my head/anxiety greatly. Yet it was Friday that week (late at night) when Alfred had finally decided to make landfall, though not a single one of us was relieved or excited about this. The winds were very strong and they tore our power-grid to bits.

Thus we had no electricity for two whole days, and some regions didn’t have theirs restored for as long as a week. This we were told to expect, and therefore we knew that our wifi would be down as well. However it wasn’t predicted that we would also lose our 4G/5G in the storm. For me personally, this affected my mental health the most.

I had previously charged up all of my devices, but this ended up being of very little benefit, as I needed internet connection for everything that I had prepared myself to do. Perhaps the most difficult thing by far, was the fact that I couldn’t listen to classical music or watch television prior to bedtime. As I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, I strictly require a source to distract my mind from flashbacks in order to fall asleep. Without 5G I didn’t even have the option of using my iPad for that.

So for two whole days/nights I was unable to get to sleep. Also, due to the heavy rain flooding our garden (and dangerous winds) I couldn’t wind down in my hobby-shed outside. This in addition to everything else caused be to have an intense meltdown on the second day of no electricity or internet. But it was very fortunate that we had power again late that following night.

Yet at the end of all this (always beginning with the negative aspects and ending on a positive note), I did still get some very productive things done during the storm. It was a very good opportunity for me to read all of my Italian books and practice all of my guitar exercises, which was a great help in regard to the classes I take. Another thing that I must include here is just how relaxing it was, when I took advantage of the background sounds of rain and howling wind. That ambiance was ideal for me sit down and get all of my work done, which (unlike YouTube and Spotify) didn’t involve any electricity or internet whatsoever.

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